India Rubber Expo

India Rubber Expo is going to be the most prestigious event for the rubber industry of India to meet and work together with overseas participants. The flourish in economy of the country, specifically automobile sector has thrust India as a major source for rubber goods and a big marketplace for the international buyers. A symposium and a buyer-seller summit are the other features of this exhibition. It will start on January 22, 2013 and end on the 24th of January.

Visitor�s profile of India Rubber Expo

The visitor's profile of India Rubber Expo includes the following:

Buyers and procuring staff, organizations and institutions, contractors and advisors, agents and franchises, chief executive officers/decision-makers, fabricators, government bureaucrats, marketing people, media persons, international visitors and teams, technical analysts, and managers and directors from the associated sectors.

Exhibitor's profile of India Rubber Expo

The exhibitor�s profile of India Rubber Expo includes the following:

Belts and beltings, automobile tubes / tyres, conveyer/ transmission/v belts, latex goods and camelback goods, machinery and testing devices, footwear/rubber canvas, pharmaceutical products, moulded/extruded rubber products, retreating substances, raw materials, rubber pipes, rubber designs, services, beds and aprons, sports goods and coverings.

Venue for India Rubber Expo

The venue for India Rubber Expo is Bombay Exhibition Center (BEC), Mumbai, India.

Last Updated on 28 March 2012